Catatan Kaki
1Romeo Jr. Jumao-as Toring. The Dynamics of the Fish Trade in Cebu City. AghamTao, 2017, Volume 25(2):231-254
2Amper, Bonifacio M.. Ati Migration and Trade in Ethnomedicines in Cebu. AghamTao, 2014, Volume 23:80-94
3BARMM (Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao) adalah daerah otonom di Filipina, yang terletak di bagian barat daya pulau Mindanao
4Mauss, Marcel. 1992. Pemberian: bentuk dan fungsi tukar menukar di masyarakat kuno (Pengantar dan penerjemah: Parsudi Suparlan). Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Hal 48
5Ibid. Hal. 44
6Materi visual dari buku ini bisa diakses bebas di tautan
7To most Malaysians and Filipinos, the Sulu Sea is essentially inert; it is a border to be guarded, as well as a passive source of livelihood, sustenance and a passage for scattered maritime communities. Both governments problematise the same sea as a vulnerable, exploitable and porous border-land, one that is seen to be impossible to protect from criminal infiltration. However, when irregular migrants apply the word persekutuan to the area, the water is radically transfigured into a living entity, one with the power to intervene on their behalf, and with whom they can expect to negotiate for protection and luck. The Malaysian state’s policies of detention and deportation, which take place within the physical context of the Sulu Sea, reinforce migrants’ supernatural dependence on the sea, by pushing them to continuously negotiate with the sea for shelter, safety, protection, as well as a sense of identity and belonging amidst what is always a precarious existence. The sea and the community live in symbiosis, both benefiting in different ways from each other—the epitome of a pelagic alliance. (Somiah, 2021:5-6)
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